The work of a landscaper far exceeds planting flowers, bushes, and other renovations for enhancing a home’s curb appeal. A landscaper generally has years of experience working with hundreds of different homes and has faced every landscaping issue under the sun; bottom line, they know what works and what doesn’t. Below we take a look at the many ways a landscaper can improve your home landscape design and make the process as smooth as possible.
They help make your vision a reality
One of the best parts of hiring a landscaper is brainstorming ideas with him or her. Often times, you’ll find landscapers to have an abundance of ideas to soup up your curb appeal in ways you may have never thought before - which comes as no surprise considering it’s their profession to beautify lawns. Seasoned landscapers are known for offering invaluable advice concerning what additions are going to be short-term solutions - a.k.a. ones that quickly wither away - and which ones will stand for years to come.
Additionally, contractors are able to spot areas that are lacking in curb appeal and may need remodeling. For example, he or she might point out a stained area of brick and recommend a specific style of bush that could act as a natural cover-up. Lastly, they might do you a favor and clean up any out-of-control plants or pests. For example, if a window is blocked by a shrub that has grown to excessive proportions, a landscaper could you the effort by easily trimming it down for you. If any of your windows have suffered damage or are simply past their prime, contact Wallside to learn about our factory-built replacement windows and how we can install them for you.
Get an inside scoop into the industry Visit any local shop selling mulch, soil, plants, or shrubbery, and you’ll notice there’s an wide selection of brands to choose from, each proffering some lavish type of benefit to separate itself from the others. Landscapers work with these materials everyday; they’ll give you the no-nonsense solution to your lawn’s needs by using the best materials depending on the look you want and budget that you’re working with.
Save time Finding the right flowers, plants, and shrubbery can bite a huge chunk out of your valuable time. Not to mention the whole time-consuming process of regular upkeep, researching the plant qualities, the climate in your area, and figuring out how to work with your own lawn’s characteristics. In most cases, a landscape crew would take care of these duties. Thus, the main thing to consider is the value you place on your time in relation to regular lawn upkeep. Sure, hiring a crew does require a significant sum of cash, but by hiring one you save more than money: the opportunity cost of lost time.
Can’t I do landscape myself? It depends on your experience. Landscaping is a multifaceted job requiring multiple high-level skills to get the job done right. If you’re unsure whether to hire a landscape crew or not, you’ll want to think about whether or not you’re able to mow the lawn, mulch, regularly prune, and research the hospitable conditions for each plant to flourish on a regular basis.