We Are the Factory: Talking Detroit sports and service with Wallside’s John Dimitroff — Wallside Windows®

We Are the Factory: Talking Detroit sports and service with Wallside’s John Dimitroff

Like many members of our Wallside family, John Dimitroff is a longtime employee at Wallside Windows. But his time at the factory nearly ended when The Dimitroff family packed their bags for St. Louis, Missouri, where his wife got a job in 2007.

Meet John Dimitroff. He has worked for more than 20 years at Wallside.

Meet John Dimitroff. He has worked for more than 20 years at Wallside.

We count ourselves lucky that employees like John are eager to return to Michigan – and his Wallside family. A resident of Novi, you’ll find John in our service department at The Factory. A music buff and sports fan, he shared some insight with us about what keeps him here at Wallside, and how his devotion to Michigan sports teams has never wavered – no matter where he’s lived.

1.    Can you tell us a little bit about your role at Wallside?

JD: Right now, I'm working in the service department. I get all the glass and materials ready for each service professional that goes out each day. There are about 18 people and I get all the materials and everything they need to go out the next day.

I've worked a total of 22 years for Wallside, I started out in 1989 and I worked 18 years until 2007 then we went on a little vacation to St. Louis, Missouri. We moved there for work, for my wife who got a job there. After a few years, we came back and now - it will be 5 years this October that I've been back to work at Wallside.

2.    Do you have the same job?

JD: I was also working in service. The crews would call me and we would get things made right, right away and get them out to job site as quickly as we could each day.

3.    What drew you back to Wallside?

JD: We wanted to be able to come back to friends and family - and that's how I always felt at Wallside. There is just a great atmosphere here and everyone gets along. We try to help each other out each day with each challenge that comes up. That's why when I came back to town I thought I would check there first for work -  and I was very lucky to be able to come back and get right back in.

4.    What is one way your co-workers would describe you?

JD: I'd say I try to come in to work each day with a good attitude. I just try to keep the big wheel spinning, the big Wallside wheel that's kind of one thing, I just try to keep everything rolling each day without any hiccups.

5.    What do you like best about working at Wallside?

JD: The friendly atmosphere, the family atmosphere. I had 2 or 3 jobs in Missouri, and although it was a good experience to work in there and learn more about factory life, I just really like the family and friendly atmosphere here. 

6.    Is there anything in your personal experience that illustrates that family atmosphere for you?

JD: I just see it each day from the higher-ups they take care of the employees when things come up, problems come up in the life they try to be friendly and help each other out. Stanford said to me before I left town: “If you do happen to come back in town, make sure you call us first.” And that's what I did and everything fell right back into place.

7.    What do you like to do when you're not working? What are your interests outside of work?

JD: Everyone knows about this, I really like sports a lot. I follow all of our major teams here in Michigan and Detroit. They usually come to me to talk about what's going on with each team - I'm a big-time sports guy. 

8.    Is there a sport that you like in particular?

JD: I'd have to say basketball. I was able to do some high school basketball coaching for about 10 years in Detroit and I played when I was younger. Basketball would be number one, with baseball following. I’m a fan of the Pistons and our local colleges. My son goes to Missouri State and he's been working on the staff there for about 4 years now. He's following in my footsteps with basketball.

9.    When you moved to Missouri, did you change your sports allegiances?

JD: Oh, no. I took a lot of heat there. They wanted us to cheer for the Cardinals, I just couldn't do it. I kept cheering for our Tigers and Detroit teams.

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to join the Wallside Windows family. The Wallside Windows Factory is located at 2700 Trolley Industrial Drive, Taylor, MI. Contact us, learn more at wallsidewindows.com or call 1-800-521-7800.