Winter Blues? Start Thinking About Spring Landscaping Now!

Winter Blues? Start Thinking about Spring Now Even though 2016 is only just getting started, it's time to start thinking about springtime, especially in regard to landscaping and gardening. When the ground thaws, it's go time and it's best to have your strategy set beforehand so you're not stuck in a mad dash for the last pot of blue hydrangeas at the local nursery come April.

Benefits of Landscaping

Improving your home with greenery may involve a little dirty work, but the effort is well worth it. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, "Landscaping, especially with trees, can increase property values as much as 20%” and "a mature tree can often have an appraised value of between $1,000 and $10,000."

Add to that the psychological and environmental benefits of a beautiful yard and there's no reason not to landscape!

Making Plans

Buying plants based on how they look alone spells horticultural tragedy. Some plants need more sun, others more shade; some need lots of water and others not so much. Your yard has more characteristics than you might think, so be sure to take the time to notice them so your hard work and money aren't wasted.

Consider asking yourself questions like these before shopping for greenery:

  • Which areas of your yard get the most sun? The most shade?
  • Are there any low spots where large puddles tend to form during a rainfall?
  • Could growing roots potentially interfere with sidewalks/foundations/etc.?
  • How involved do you want to be in the ongoing care of your yard?

Before you buy, draw out a rough diagram of your yard and identify wet spots, dry spots, sunny and shady areas, etc., and then choose plants according to those characteristics. From there, you can visit a nursery and scout out the right plants. Or you could map out what you'd like your yard to look like using an online tool like the Better Homes and Gardens Plan-a-Garden app.

Good Timing

Spring is the best time to plant trees, but other plants may do better a little further into the warmer months. Reading tags and researching for the perfect plants takes time. Go slow, but start now while you have the time to alleviate any last minute decisions. Doing so will help guarantee excellent results -- and long life -- from your landscaping project.